Monday Apr 15, 2013
Brain Trust Live #57 - INSENSITIVE SEND-OFFS - 4/15/13
Monday Apr 15, 2013
Monday Apr 15, 2013
In Which We Discuss:
1. The witch is dead (ding dong!), which leads us to our most insensitive Rest In Peace yet!
2. The bipartisan gun control bill clears first hurdle, might trip on the second and wouldn’t win a race in effectiveness anyway
3. Watergate, the Kentucky edition
4. Republicans plan to save business by continuing to let women go penniless
5. Elizabeth Warren’s brilliance still doesn’t annoy us like such perfection usually would
6. Plus, douchebags, carpetbagging, baggy pants, and bad choices you can make on Twitter
And as always, check our Twitter @braintrustlive and Facebook pages throughout the week for links, musings and more!
Sunday Apr 07, 2013
Brain Trust Live #56 - HILLARY CLINTON'S NOT-SO-SUPERPACS - 4/8/13
Sunday Apr 07, 2013
Sunday Apr 07, 2013
In Which We Discuss:
1. Economic recovery not looking good for anybody except asteroid lassoers
2. Hillary 2016 practice round commences in McAuliffe's Virginia Gubernatorial race
3. Fearful GOP officials warn that gay marriage might be too good to pass up even for straight people
4. Our special guest (!) discusses some unusual gun control proposals
5. Is your life free of miracles? Find out why!
6. Plus, Ted Cruz on Obamacare, Lindsey Graham on immigration, and why Rick Perry thinks Austin would make a great location for bombing or your next corporate retreat
Saturday Mar 30, 2013
Brain Trust Live #55 - COURTING GAYS - 4/1/13
Saturday Mar 30, 2013
Saturday Mar 30, 2013
In Which We Discuss:
1. DOMA and Prop 8 cases provide boon to struggling line standing industry in DC
2. North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un has clearly seen “Wag the Dog,” enjoys futzing around on photoshop
3. North Dakota moves forward with their draconian anti-abortion laws, making it the freest state in the union according to libertarians.
4. New Hampshire now most dangerous state for women, bans their right to shoot anyone arbitrarily
5. Don Young stakes his claim as greatest congressional quotemaker, trying to oust the ethically challenged Michele Bachmann
6. We’ll miss you Soledad O’Brien Look out for our weekly blog post, coming Thursday, and as always, remember to follow us on Twitter @braintrustlive and find us on Facebook!Sunday Mar 24, 2013
Brain Trust Live #54 - UNLIKELY ALLIANCES - 3/25/13
Sunday Mar 24, 2013
Sunday Mar 24, 2013
In Which We Discuss:
1. Lila wins the internet, and buzzfeed commits some serious thought crime.
2. The greatest story to come out of the crazy 2012 republican primary.
3. Israeli pundits prove to be just as irritating as American ones during Obama’s brief visit to the region.
4. The senate finally passes a budget, 4 years and 13 hrs later.
5. Rich people are awful. An in-depth conversation about why.
6. Republicans still trying to figure out their post-Portman stance on gay marriage. Unknowinlgy offering reasons to support it as reasons for their opposition.
7. Plus, guns, deadly asteroids, and other dangers of living in Glendale.
Look out for our weekly blog post, coming Thursday, and as always, remember to follow us on Twitter @braintrustlive and find us on Facebook!Monday Mar 18, 2013
Brain Trust Live #53 - CRISES AND CPAC - 3/18/13
Monday Mar 18, 2013
Monday Mar 18, 2013
In Which We Discuss: 1. Paul Ryan releases his second budget, marking his second failed attempt at living in reality 2. Rob Portman thinks being different is okay, so long as you’re a member of his family 3. Nikki Haley has bangs, Sara Palin has a big gulp, Bob McDonnell has no invite, and other stories from the CPAC trenches 4. Ted Cruz offers incomplete constitutional lesson, only to find out too late that Dianne Feinstein is not a 6th grader 5. Veronica Mars movie offers terrifying new blueprint for how corporate America next plans to steal your money Look out for our weekly blog post, coming Thursday, and as always, remember to follow us on Twitter @braintrustlive and find us on Facebook!
Monday Feb 18, 2013
Brain Trust Live #49 - POLAND SPRINGS EPISODE - 2/19/13
Monday Feb 18, 2013
Monday Feb 18, 2013
In Which We Discuss: 1. Poland Springs steals the state of the union, expanding market share on west coast 2. Hagel will get nominated and/or filibustered depending on which John McCain you talk to 3. Going to an Obama speech on will definitely get your family members shot in Chicago. We warned you. 4. Republicans now against their own immigration plan after finding out that Obama also supports it 5. Alabama UNOS organ donor lists now offering babies! 6. Plus, Elizabeth Warren wins the internet, John McCain speaks to every media outlet about every issue all week, CNN jumps the shark, and no need for the Cold War any longer because Russia has the sky Look out for our weekly blog post, coming Thursday, and as always, remember to follow us on Twitter @braintrustlive and find us on Facebook!
Sunday Feb 03, 2013
Brain Trust Live #47 - SUPER BOWL EPISODE - 2/4/13
Sunday Feb 03, 2013
Sunday Feb 03, 2013
In Which We Discuss: 1. Even Lila sat through the gayest Super Bowl on record 2. More Senate hearings, this time with fewer compliments 3. The economy is in the shitter, but as always, it means nothing, so just keep shopping! 4. Obama introduces all of his policy proposals in attempt to pre-empt the coming sequestration war with something productive. 5. NRA releases enemies list, includes such relevant targets as Boyz II Men, Art Garfunkel and ‘NSync Plus, in honor of Hillary Clinton’s Secretary of State farewell, check out our Tumblr post this week! As always, remember to follow us on Twitter @braintrustlive and find us on facebook!
Sunday Jan 20, 2013
Brain Trust Live #45 - INAUGURATION DAY EPISODE - 1/20/13
Sunday Jan 20, 2013
Sunday Jan 20, 2013
In Which We Discuss: 1. Hold onto your hats...it’s inauguration day! So that’s happening... 2. Healthcare has the most exciting, underreported week ever! 3. White House proposes a great gun control package and is immediately one upped by New York State. (Plus a fun new weekly segment!) 4. The debt ceiling crises is not happening anymore. Go home. Come back in March. 5. The return of Mark Sanford, our first introduction to Stephen Colbert’s sister, and a Berman Sherman follow-up that we never saw coming. 6. Plus, gays, the environment, and a nefarious smoothie shop that won’t be getting any of our business. As always, remember to follow us on Twitter @braintrustlive and find us on facebook!
Friday Jan 11, 2013
Brain Trust Live #44 - TRILLION DOLLAR SPECIAL - 01/11/13
Friday Jan 11, 2013
Friday Jan 11, 2013
In Which We Discuss: 1. Jerry Nadler offers irrefutable proof that our entire economic system is a sham. 2. NRA upset with Joe Biden despite reports that he plans to do next to nothing about gun violence. 3. Character assassinations continue as cabinet picks roll out. 4. Lila’s thrilling tales of corporate greed. 5. America’s Mayor is running for senate! 6. This week in gays. As always, remember to follow us on Twitter @braintrustlive and find us on facebook! Plus, even though the world didn't end, it's never a bad time to leave us a comment on iTunes!
Wednesday Dec 26, 2012
Brain Trust Live #42 - BOXING DAY SPECIAL - 12/26/12
Wednesday Dec 26, 2012
Wednesday Dec 26, 2012
In Which We Discuss: 1. NRA holds press conference to divert attention from mass shootings happening at the exact same moment. Advocates arming all humans, especially those around children. 2. Most thinking people, and Republicans, think this is a “dumb-ass” idea 3. Boehner forced to abort his fiscal cliff bill, ironically named “Plan B” 4. John Kerry’s Secretary of State nomination leaves room for yet another special election in Massachusetts. 5. Chuck Hagel’s being Susan Riced by angry gays and jews Plus more sinkholes, an in-depth review of Grey’s Anatomy, and so much more on the special Boxing Day edition of Brain Trust Live! As always, remember to follow us on Twitter @braintrustlive and find us on facebook! Plus, even though the world didn't end, it's never a bad time to leave us a comment on iTunes. Happy New Years!