Sunday Oct 18, 2020
BTL #372 - Who Needs The News - 10/19/20
Sunday Oct 18, 2020
Sunday Oct 18, 2020
In Which We Discuss:
1. Americans everywhere vote early, wish they could now just sleep for weeks and wake up on November 4th.
2. Amy Coney Barrett is awful, but is there anyone worse than Dianne Feinstein?
3. Biden hits Trump where it hurts the most: TV ratings.
4. Trump now banking all his election hopes on locking up all Democrats.
5. The NY Post posts the postiest election conspiracy theory yet.
6. In a shocking departure from Trump, Chris Christie has mostly the right takeaways after his week in the ICU.
Brain Trust Live is Lila Nordstrom and Brent Thornburg's look at the week in electoral and political news. Join the millions of quarantiners, helicopters, barking dogs, and computer beeps who love our podcast and tell your friends about BTL! Then rate us on iTunes or find us Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Stitcher, or Instagram!
Thursday Oct 15, 2020
The 2020 California Prop Guide: Audio Edition - 10/15/20
Thursday Oct 15, 2020
Thursday Oct 15, 2020
Looking for more insight and discussion on the uber-confusing CA props? We'll take you through all twelve of the CA props, confusion and all, and make sure you at least understand why you don't understand what you're voting on. Plus, we'll look to other states to see what voters there are being asked to parse!
Looking for a cheat sheet to take to the polls? Check out our PDF prop guide here: http://www.braintrustlive.com/blog/2020/9/29/the-btl-california-proposition-guide-nov-2020-general-election-is-out
Sunday Oct 11, 2020
BTL #371 - The Senate Rundown [w/ guest Carla Nordstrom] - 10/12/20
Sunday Oct 11, 2020
Sunday Oct 11, 2020
In Which We Discuss:
1. Carla Nordstrom returns to tell you everything you need to know about the state of the Senate races!
2. Is Ranked Choice Voting coming for you?
3. The VP Debate was won by fracking and flies
4. Trump is feeling healthy and ready to get out there and start superspreading COVID again
5. Lindsey Graham insists black people are safe in SC as long as they’re conservative, but offers no further comments on how to project conservatism for your safety.
And hello to our friends at Trillbilly Worker's Party, a fellow progressive podcast that got a couple of shout-outs this week!
Brain Trust Live is Lila Nordstrom and Brent Thornburg's look at the week in electoral and political news. Join the millions of quarantiners, helicopters, barking dogs, and computer beeps who love our podcast and tell your friends about BTL! Then rate us on iTunes or find us Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Stitcher, or Instagram!
Sunday Oct 04, 2020
BTL #370 - VIP Superspreader Event [w/ Special Guest Grant Sloss] - 10/5/20
Sunday Oct 04, 2020
Sunday Oct 04, 2020
In Which We Discuss [w/ special guest Grant Sloss]:
1. White House host nation’s first VIP-only, black-tie superspreader event.
2. Trump now attempting to die of COVID in a last-ditch attempt to get out of a massive IRS bill and crushing debt.
3. The first presidential debate (and likely the last) was, in the words of Jake Tapper, “a hot mess inside a dumpster fire, inside a train wreck.”
4. Cal Cunningham is part of the exact kind of lame sexting scandal you’d expect from a DNC-backed moderate. But don’t worry, Thom Tillis has COVID.
5. Another year, another set of Prop 13 battles hit the California ballot.
Brain Trust Live is Lila Nordstrom and Brent Thornburg's look at the week in electoral and political news. Join the millions of quarantiners, helicopters, barking dogs, and computer beeps who love our podcast and tell your friends about BTL! Then rate us on iTunes or find us Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Stitcher, or Instagram!
Sunday Sep 27, 2020
BTL #369 - Read the Room - 9/28/20
Sunday Sep 27, 2020
Sunday Sep 27, 2020
In Which We Discuss:
1. RBG is the first woman to lie in state. Ever.
2. Trump makes his SCOTUS selection. Dems already prepared with excuses for why they can’t do anything about it.
3. Goodbye healthcare, it was nice not ever really knowing you.
4. It turns out #justiceforBreonnaTaylor will remain a hashtag and not a reality.
5. In another failure to read the room, Nancy Pelosi is now offering even less COVID relief.
6. The beginning of Joe Biden’s campaign day is usually a statement telling us it’s over.
In Which we Don't Discuss:
Trump's taxes. The news didn't break in time to make it into this week's episode. We'll cover it next week!
Brain Trust Live is Lila Nordstrom and Brent Thornburg's look at the week in electoral and political news. Join the millions of quarantiners, helicopters, barking dogs, and computer beeps who love our podcast and tell your friends about BTL! Then rate us on iTunes or find us Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Stitcher, or Instagram!
Sunday Sep 20, 2020
BTL #368 - Worst Case Scenario - 9/21/20
Sunday Sep 20, 2020
Sunday Sep 20, 2020
In Which We Discuss:
1. Early voting has begun in four states and is coming to you too!
2. RBG passed away, ushering in a worst case scenario for democracy
3. Mitch McConnell is a hypocrite. Stop being shocked by that
4. Joe Biden takes credit for inventing what drag queens have been doing for months to get people to events mid-pandemic
5. We’re voting #no on the California ballot even containing these two props
6. New updates on the deer Chuck Grassley hit eight years ago
Brain Trust Live is Lila Nordstrom and Brent Thornburg's look at the week in electoral and political news. Join the millions of quarantiners, helicopters, barking dogs, and computer beeps who love our podcast and tell your friends about BTL! Then rate us on iTunes or find us Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Stitcher, or Instagram!
Sunday Sep 13, 2020
BTL #367 - The Noble Prize for Orange Air - 9/14/20
Sunday Sep 13, 2020
Sunday Sep 13, 2020
In Which We Discuss:
1. Trump to visit fire-ravaged West Coast, in danger of being camouflaged by the color of the air
2. The Rhode Island primary becomes the sleeper hit of the season!
3. Bernie suggests a proven winning strategy for Biden, will now most certainly be blamed for his loss.
4. Mitch McConnell’s coronavirus relief bill is the definition of insanity
5. Woodward gives us the proof we didn’t need that Trump is gaslighting us on Covid
6. Trump looks to be a lock for the Noble prize for misspellings
Brain Trust Live is Lila Nordstrom and Brent Thornburg's look at the week in electoral and political news. Join the millions of quarantiners, helicopters, barking dogs, and computer beeps who love our podcast and tell your friends about BTL! Then rate us on iTunes or find us Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Stitcher, or Instagram!
Monday Sep 07, 2020
BTL #366 - The Remarkable Joe Kennedy - 9/8/20
Monday Sep 07, 2020
Monday Sep 07, 2020
In Which We Discuss:
1. Joe Kennedy has finally become a remarkable Kennedy, but only because he destroyed the dynasty
2. Joe Biden’s gamble in running as a Republican pays off in money, whether it pays off in votes remains to be seen
3. Biden campaign visits Kenosha, which is exactly one more visit to Wisconsin than the entire Clinton campaign
4. You’re not really telling us we need video proof of Trump calling the troops losers. The proof is in our hearts.
5. The month’s jobs numbers are notable but still fake
6. The sinking Trumptilla perfectly embodies the Trumpian philosophy of doing whatever the hell you want, other people be damned
Brain Trust Live is Lila Nordstrom and Brent Thornburg's look at the week in electoral and political news. Join the millions of quarantiners, helicopters, barking dogs, and computer beeps who love our podcast and tell your friends about BTL! Then rate us on iTunes or find us Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Stitcher, or Instagram!
Sunday Aug 30, 2020
BTL #354 - Operation Block Ivanka - 8/31/20
Sunday Aug 30, 2020
Sunday Aug 30, 2020
In Which We Discuss:
1. Trump’s affinity for bottle blondes and the apocalypse was on full display at the RNC.
2. Kenosha police are eager to earn the approval of a 17 year old vigilante murderer
3. The season premiere of Biden Unbunkered is coming September 8th. Time and location TBD. Airing: Probably nowhere because he doesn’t know how to grab a headline. Check your local listings.
4. If you live in Massachusetts, cast your ballot now!
5. Election Security: We don’t have that anymore.
6. And is Melania Trumps’ “Operation Block Ivanka” the only successful scheme currently being carried out inside the White House?
Brain Trust Live is Lila Nordstrom and Brent Thornburg's look at the week in electoral and political news. Join the millions of quarantiners, helicopters, and computer beeps who love our podcast and tell your friends about BTL! Then rate us on iTunes or find us Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Stitcher, or Instagram!
Sunday Aug 23, 2020
BTL #364 - 2004 RNC - 8/24/20
Sunday Aug 23, 2020
Sunday Aug 23, 2020
In Which We Discuss:
1. Reflections on the 2004 RNC, as seen in last week’s network primetime
2. Expectations for the 2020 RNC, to be seen in this week’s primetime
3. Important Post Office Questions: Do we still have one? And why do they have a secret police force?
4. The Russia “Witch Hunt” found the witch, the witch was real, the witch was guilty, and the witch was Donald Trump
5. In other conspiracy theories that turned out to be true, the Massachusetts State Democrats did in fact conspire to take down Alex Morse
6. Kanye West campaign update: He doesn’t appear to have one
Brain Trust Live is Lila Nordstrom and Brent Thornburg's look at the week in electoral and political news. Join the millions of quarantiners, helicopters, and computer beeps who love our podcast and tell your friends about BTL! Then rate us on iTunes or find us Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Stitcher, or Instagram!