Sunday Oct 20, 2019
BTL #328 - Is Giuliani-ness contagious? - 10/20/19
Sunday Oct 20, 2019
Sunday Oct 20, 2019
In Which We Discuss:
1. Mean Pete Buttigeig is that guy you were always avoiding in your Intro to Political Science seminar.
2. Hillary Clinton accidentally sides with Russian by reminding us that Tulsi Gabbard is running for president.
3. Mick Mulvaney shows a Giuliani-like penchant for incriminating himself. Is Giuliani-ness contagious?
4. U.S. Brokered cease-fire in Syria benefits nobody but the dictators, those being Erdogan and Trump.
5. Brexit: the scariest thing coming this Halloween.
6. World leaders spared from a tacky vacation filled with overcooked beef and gold trim by emoluments clause.
Brain Trust Live is Lila Nordstrom and Brent Thornburg's look at the week in political news. Join the millions of sirens, helicopters, and computer beeps who love our podcast and tell your friends about BTL! Then rate us on iTunes or find us Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Stitcher, or Instagram!
Monday Oct 14, 2019
BTL #327 - Remember the Bathhouse - 10/15/19
Monday Oct 14, 2019
Monday Oct 14, 2019
In Which We Discuss:
1. Don’t worry, America! CEASE PANICKING. Tulsi Gabbard will debate after all.
2. Joe Biden fondly remembers the good old days of endless gay bathhouse sex
3. Bloomberg believes he’s the only man who can save us...from people much like himself
4. Donald Trump is a vindictive asshole: the Impeachment edition
5. Syria. It’s not great.
6. Donald Trump wants high voter turnout...for frenemy Sean Spicer on Dancing With The Stars. Not the election. Don’t be daft.
Brain Trust Live is Lila Nordstrom and Brent Thornburg's look at the week in political news. Join the millions of sirens, helicopters, and computer beeps who love our podcast and tell your friends about BTL! Then rate us on iTunes or find us Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Stitcher, or Instagram!
Monday Oct 07, 2019
BTL #326 - We're All the Next Whistleblower - 10/8/19
Monday Oct 07, 2019
Monday Oct 07, 2019
In Which We Discuss:
1. Another whistleblower steps forward, and by now it seems like any human being with a television is qualified to step forward next.
2. In Trump’s America you can solve a mystery using common sense so, look, everybody you suspect was on the Ukraine call...was on the Ukraine call.
3. Joe Biden is now losing the treason conversation too. Because losing on policy wasn’t fun enough.
4. Trump makes Twitter plans to impeach Mitt Romney and Nancy Pelosi right back using a little-known constitutional amendment entitled: the Alternative Facts Loophole!
5. Q3 fundraising numbers are in and poor “frontrunner” Joe Biden’s pool is already maxing out.
6. Donald Trump doesn’t need your stupid opinion on Syria. He’s got Erdogan’s.
Brain Trust Live is Lila Nordstrom and Brent Thornburg's look at the week in political news. Join the millions of sirens, helicopters, and computer beeps who love our podcast and tell your friends about BTL! Then rate us on iTunes or find us Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Stitcher, or Instagram!
Sunday Sep 29, 2019
BTL #325 - Clear Damning Evidence - 9/30/19
Sunday Sep 29, 2019
Sunday Sep 29, 2019
In Which We Discuss:
1. We got to vote and it wasn’t even election day.
2. Let’s impeach the president!
3. Wait, that sounds hard. If only we had some clear damning evidence that he’s broken the law.
4. Done and done. Let’s impeach the president!
5. New polls show maybe Trump should have been asking for dirt on Liz Warren instead of Joe Biden.
6. The public option is a fraud, a controversial opinion you too can have.
Brain Trust Live is Lila Nordstrom and Brent Thornburg's look at the week in political news. Join the millions of sirens, helicopters, and computer beeps who love our podcast and tell your friends about BTL! Then rate us on iTunes or find us Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Stitcher, or Instagram!
Monday Sep 02, 2019
Monday Sep 02, 2019
In Which We Discuss:
1. CA State Senate candidate Kipp Mueller joins us to talk about how you, a person, start a campaign for office! Find out more about his campaign and/or donate at: https://www.kippforsenate.com.
2. Either Biden, Warren, Sanders are winning the Democratic race by either a little or a lot according to various numbers.
3. Biden, much like Trump, is fine with being considered a war hero for stories of his own invention.
4. Could we win the Senate?
5. Bernie is going to cancel medical debt…
6. Which we will all have soon enough since mass shootings are happening every second.
Brain Trust Live is Lila Nordstrom and Brent Thornburg's look at the week in political news. Join the millions of sirens, helicopters, and computer beeps who love our podcast and tell your friends about BTL! Then rate us on iTunes or find us Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Stitcher, or Instagram!
Sunday Aug 11, 2019
BTL #322 - Secret Impeachment Hearings - 8/12/19
Sunday Aug 11, 2019
Sunday Aug 11, 2019
In Which We Discuss:
1. Jeffrey Epstein spontaneously combusted in prison this week. That was the story, right?
2. Joe Biden doesn’t know the difference between “white” and “wealthy” and that explains so much
3. The third #DemDebate might just be an appetizer to a bigger, badder, annoying-er fourth debate that includes the whole gang plus Tom Steyer
4. In a surprising turn of events, Mitch McConnell supporters are assholes
5. Donald Trump is in favor of all the positions on gun control except the one where we do something beyond talk
6. Have we started impeachment hearings without knowing it?
Brain Trust Live is Lila Nordstrom and Brent Thornburg's look at the week in political news. Join the millions of sirens, helicopters, and computer beeps who love our podcast and tell your friends about BTL! Then rate us on iTunes or find us Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Stitcher, or Instagram!
Sunday Aug 04, 2019
BTL #321 - I Wrote The Bill - 7/5/19
Sunday Aug 04, 2019
Sunday Aug 04, 2019
In Which We Discuss:
1. Domestic terrorism has had a big week
2. After 12 hours of debate, we still can’t pick the generic white moderates out of a Democratic Debate lineup
3. The people of Puerto Rico overthrew their government last week. Now if only we could overthrow ours...
4. Trump, unsurprisingly, can’t find a National Intelligence Director. Or an intelligent person to work for him in general.
5. Trump furious that Elijah Cummings can’t stop Trump’s own family from slumming up Baltimore
6. Go and demand some impeachment, people!
Brain Trust Live is Lila Nordstrom and Brent Thornburg's look at the week in political news. Join the millions of sirens, helicopters, and computer beeps who love our podcast and tell your friends about BTL! Then rate us on iTunes or find us Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Stitcher, or Instagram!
Sunday Jul 07, 2019
BTL #320 - Some Loveless Thinking About Marianne Williamson - 7/8/19
Sunday Jul 07, 2019
Sunday Jul 07, 2019
In Which We Discuss:
1. As the earth literally shook all around us, at least we could take comfort in the fact that the USGS was having the Best. Week. Ever.
2. Donald Trump regaled us with tales of fourth of July glory, commemorating the forgotten Battle for LaGuardia, Terminal C.
3. Somehow Pete Buttigeig is now the fundraiser to beat in the Democratic Primary
4. The Census citizenship question Just. Wont. Die. Possibly because neither will Donald Trump.
5. Justin Amash, founding member of the Freedom Caucus, is leaving GOP BECAUSE IT’S TOO RADICAL FOR HIM.
6. Marianne Williamson has more in common with Mormonism’s Joseph Smith than you’d want or need.
Brain Trust Live is Lila Nordstrom and Brent Thornburg's look at the week in political news. Join the millions of sirens, helicopters, and computer beeps who love our podcast and tell your friends about BTL! Then rate us on iTunes or find us Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Stitcher, or Instagram!
Monday Jul 01, 2019
BTL #319 - Who is John Delaney? - 7/1/19
Monday Jul 01, 2019
Monday Jul 01, 2019
In Which We Discuss:
1. Lila was in the thick of the biggest news of two weeks ago
2. #DemDebate Real Talk:
3. Partisan gerrymandering is no big deal if you have a lifetime appointment
4. SCOTUS is super confusing these days, but ultimately still as horrible as you’d expect
5. We’ve been gone a month, so here are all the times we almost went to war
6. Trump is celebrating the 4th of July by scheduling counterprogramming to PBS’s celebration because what better way to celebrate America than by getting better ratings than Carole King?
Brain Trust Live is Lila Nordstrom and Brent Thornburg's look at the week in political news. Join the millions of sirens, helicopters, and computer beeps who love our podcast and tell your friends about BTL! Then rate us on iTunes or find us Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Stitcher, or Instagram!
Sunday May 19, 2019
BTL #317 - BODILY AUTONOMY - 5/20/19
Sunday May 19, 2019
Sunday May 19, 2019
In Which We Discuss:
1. GOP impeachment domino watch: 1 down, 198 to go
2. Joe Biden will protect the nation from Trump using a strategy of incremental soul-saving and forgetting what he just said
3. If an announcement is made and nobody hears it...is DeBlasio actually running for president?
4. Missouri is the latest state to grant greater bodily autonomy to clumps of cells than to full grown living breathing women
5. Are we going to war with Iran? Anybody know why?
6. Arnold Schwarzenegger gets drop kicked for a Lamborghini. And yes, we also wonder what the connection is.